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Olympus Photographers

Public·15 Photographers

Today's Olympus post is a reminder about how good the OM System is at managing shake with the onboard image stabilization (I.S.)...

Check out the following Menu Items for my I.S. Settings on the OM-1;

Menu - Enter Camera (1)

- (Camera) Image Stabilizer: S-IS AUTO - Let the camera figure it out

- (Frame Rate) Image Stabilizer: IS Priority - better to get a few photos and have them sharp than many photos that are blurry

- (Shutter Depression): On - see the stabilization kick in live

- (Handheld Assist): Off - Not needed for Bird Photography

- (Lens I.S. Priority): DEPENDS ON YOUR LENS - Do research on your lens. If it has MORE stabilization than the body select "ON". If it has less stabilization than the body, select "OFF"



*Here's is a set of photos I took at a shutter speed slower than 1/50sec

Spectacled Owl - Costa Rica Photo Tour

Forest Kingfisher - Australia Photo Tour

Common Genet - Tanzania Birding Tour

White-necked Rockfowl - Ghana Birding Tour


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