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Northern Peru: Birding Across the Marañon

Tour Overview:

Northern Peru is a land of stark contrasts, from the desolate coastal dunes of the Sechura Desert and dry Tumbesian forests through the awe-inspiring depths of the Marañon Canyon, to the lush cloudforests of the eastern slopes of the Andes. This tour explores an incredibly diverse area with numerous fantastic endemics, and we target almost all of them. The infrastructure has improved tremendously in recent years, and we stay in some superb and memorable lodges and hotels, many of them with great feeders.

Tour Details:


19 September - 5 October

$7990; Single Supplement: $550

Length: 17 Days

Starting City: Lima

Ending City: Lima

Pace: Moderate

Physical Difficulty: Moderate

Focus: Birding

Group size: 8 + 1 Leader

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Northern Peru- Across the Marañon Canyon-01.jpg

Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: Lima

Your international flights arrive in Lima, the capital city of Peru. We’ll spend the night in a nice hotel next to the terminal, so there is no need for long airport transfers into the city center.


Day 2: Coastal mesquite forests and Chaparri

We’ll start with a 1h20m flight to Chiclayo, then drive out of the city and spend the morning birding dry forest and desert scrub. We’ll look for some of the rarest Tumbesian endemics in the gnarled woodland, including Peruvian Plantcutter, Rufous Flycatcher, Cinereous Finch, Tumbes Swallow, and Tumbes Tyrant. With luck, we can also find Peruvian Thick-knee. Later, we’ll drive an hour and a half north to the nice Chaparri Lodge in the dry foothills of the western Andes. A highlight here is seeing the White-winged Guans that were successfully reintroduced and are now breeding on their own in the wild. The lodge also has feeders that attract a variety of dry forest species including White-edged Oriole, Golden Grosbeak, and Croaking Ground-Dove. We’ll spend two nights in the lodge.

Day 3: Chaparri Reserve

Bird activity can be spectacular right around the lodge early in the morning, with Baird’s Flycatcher, Superciliated Wren, Gray-and-white Tyrannulet, Collared Antshrike, White-tailed Jay, and others singing like crazy and often easy to see. A nearby stream attracts hummingbird like Purple-collared Woodstar and Amazilia Hummingbird, which bathe in the shallows. An easy walk through the woodland near the lodge will give us chances for Pacific Elaenia, White-headed Brush-Finch, Tumbes Hummingbird, Necklaced Spinetail, and Tumbes Pewee among other common Tumbesian species. If we missed Tumbes Tyrant in Pomac, we have another chance to find it here. We’ll spend the afternoon in the lower areas, searching especially for Sulphur-throated Finch, Parrot-billed Seedeater, Collared Warbling-Finch, Short-tailed Field Tyrant, and Scrub Nightjar.


Day 4: Chaparri and the Pacific coast

If we’ve missed anything near the lodge, we can look for it this morning; then we can check some lakes and wetlands below the reserve to look for Comb Duck, Black-faced Ibis, and various other waterbirds. We’ll spend the afternoon along the coast. Reedbeds hold Many-colored Rush-Tyrant and Wren-like Rushbird while coastal beaches and wetlands give us a chance for a wide variety of species including Gray-hooded Gull, Peruvian Pelican, Peruvian Tern, numerous migrant shorebirds, and Peruvian Pipit. We’ll spend one night in a nice lodge north of Chiclayo.

Day 5: Abra Porculla and Jaén

We need a very early start as we drive about two hours up to a low pass over the western Andes. Remnant forest patches here offer the best chance to see Piura Chat-Tyrant as well as other Tumbesian gems like Black-cowled Saltator, Chapman’s Antshrike, Bay-crowned and White-winged Brush-Finches, and Three-banded Warbler. Skulkers like Henna-hooded Foliage-gleaner and Rufous-necked Foliage-gleaner are also here, but can be shy and tough to see. In the afternoon, we’ll drive several hours to the town of Jaén, where we spend a single night. We’ll spend the afternoon trying to see some of the main targets, especially Little Inca-Finch and Marañon Crescentchest.


Day 6: Jaén to Huembo

We’ll spend the morning birding various sites near Jaén, looking for some key Marañon endemics like Marañon Spinetail, Marañon Crescentchest, Marañon Slaty-Antshrike, Little Inca-Finch and the endemic races of Black-capped Sparrow and Northern Slaty-Antshrike. We’ll then drive several hours to the Huembo reserve, where we spend one night in the new lodge here. Huembo is home to the Marvelous Spatuletail – the incredible male is often mentioned in discussions about the world’s most beautiful bird! At least one male usually visits the feeders here on a regular basis along with numerous other hummers like Bronzy Inca, Chestnut-breasted Coronet, White-bellied Woodstar, and White-bellied Hummingbird. Occasionally Little Woodstar visits flowering plants near the lodge as well.


Day 7: Huembo to Moyobamba

We’ll enjoy some easy birding around Huembo Lodge in the morning, targeting the endemic Speckle-chested Piculet, the Marañon race of Speckle-breasted Wren, the local Buff-bellied Tanager and more widespread species such as Southern Emerald-Toucanet, Rufous-winged Tyrannulet, and Silvery Tanager. We’ll then drive east through the Andes, making roadside stops based on bird activity, and arrive at Waqanki Lodge near Moyobamba in the afternoon. We should have some time to check out their feeders for some late afternoon hummer activity. Some species that visit their feeders include Rufous-crested Coquette, White-chinned and Golden-tailed Sapphires, Sapphire-spangled Emerald, Black-throated Hermit, Long-billed Starthroat, and Gray-breasted Sabrewing. We have two nights at this great lodge located right next to the forest.

Day 8: Waqanki Lodge and the Moyobamba Area

An amazing variety of birds inhabit this area due to a variety of habitats. Lush cloudforest blankets the mountain slopes, and a good trail will give us a chance to see some great birds like Black-bellied Tanager and Paradise Tanagers, Black-and-white Tody-Flycatcher, Fiery-capped and Painted Manakins, Bluish-fronted Jacamar, Mishana Tyrannulet, White-bellied Pygmy-Tyrant, Peruvian Warbling-Antbird, Blackish, Spot-backed, and Spot-winged Antbirds, Golden-collared Toucanet, Gilded Barbet, and many, many more. We’ll also spend time birding the dry scrub around Moyobamba where quite different birds can be seen such as Cinereous-breasted Spinetail, Stripe-necked Tody-Tyrant, Pearly-vented Tody-Tyrant, Rusty-backed Antwren, and Burnished-buff Tanager. Rice fields have some neat birds like Oriole and Pale-eyed Blackbirds, Black-billed Seed-Finch, and Spotted Rail. We’ll also be sure to visit a bridge about 30 minutes away where Oilbirds roost during the day. At night, Band-bellied Owl can often be seen near the lodge clearing.

Day 9: Moyobamba to Abra Patricia

After another morning of birding in the Moyobamba area, we'll drive back west to Owlet Lodge in Abra Patricia, named after the Long-whiskered Owlet, a bird that was almost never seen outside of a mistnet until this lodge was built in 2008. We’ll spend some time at the hummer feeders, which usually have Long-tailed Sylph, Emerald-bellied Puffleg, Speckled Hummingbird, Peruvian Racket-tail, Fawn-breasted Brilliant, along with some species we would have seen at Huembo. Depending on the weather, we may make a first attempt at trying to see the owlet. We will spend four nights in this well-located lodge.


Days 10-12: Abra Patricia Area

This area has unique elfin ridgetop forests that support numerous rare and extremely localized species, some of which were only described to science in the last 30 years. We’ve got a good chance to find Bar-winged Wood-Wren, Royal Sunangel, Johnson’s Tody-Tyrant, and Cinnamon-breasted Tody-Tyrant, and will make a serious effort to see three difficult endemic antpittas, Rusty-tinged Antpitta, Chestnut Antpitta, and Ochre-fronted Antpitta, some of which come to worm feeders. Other interesting birds here include Yellow-scarfed, Yellow-throated, White-capped Tanagers, Silvery, and Blue-browed Tanagers, White-faced Numbird, Inca Flycatcher, Chestnut-crested Cotinga, Rufous-vented Tapaculo, and Variable Antshrike. Along with the owlet, nightbirding near the lodge might turn up White-throated Screech-Owl and Rufous-banded Owl. During one of our full days here, we’ll leave early and drive down into the foothills to a private reserve called Arena Blanca. A blind offers the chance to see Cinereous Tinamou, Little Tinamou, and Rufous-breasted Wood-Quail as they come in to eat corn at dawn. It’s a good spot to look for Zimmer’s Antbird, and the hummer feeders sometimes attract some different species like Blue-fronted Lancebill and Black-throated Brilliant. On our way back to the lodge, we'll bird roadsides in the foothills  hoping for mixed flocks that can be truly superb with dozens of species. A few birds we might see include Spotted, Green-and-gold, Paradise, and Orange-eared Tanagers, Bronze-green Euphonia, Chestnut-tipped Toucanet, Lanceolated Monklet, Ecuadorian Tyrannulet, Marble-faced Bristle-Trant, Plumbeous-crowned Tyrannulet, Gray-mantled Wren, Montane Foliage-gleaner, and Olive-backed Woodcreeper.

Day 13: Abra Patricia to Leymebamba

We’ll leave again in the dark and drive about an hour to the start of a difficult trail where we hope to see Pale-billed Antpitta, Russet-mantled Softtail, Unstreaked Tit-Tyrant, Red-hooded Tanager, and a distinct subspecies of Plain-tailed Wren. This hike is done at the tour leader’s discretion, and it is sometimes skipped due to weather or logistical reasons. We’ll then drive through the scenic Utcubamba canyon, where we’ll look for Marañon Thrush, Speckle-chested Piculet, and Black-necked Woodpecker before arriving at the bustling town of Leymebamba, where we spend two nights in an excellent new lodge with hummer feeders. Koepcke’s Screech-Owl can sometimes be seen near the hotel after dark.

Day 14: East rim of the Marañon Canyon and Leymebamba

We’ll start in patches of temperate forest that can be superb early in the morning with great birds like Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan, Barred Fruiteater, and Yungas Pygmy-Owl; feeding flocks can be loads of fun with various tanagers, hemispinguses, flycatchers, warblers, and more. We’ll then drive up to the grassy paramo and scrub near the rim of the canyon, where we’ll look for the endemic Coppery Metaltail, then try for páramo species such as White-chinned Thistletail, Many-striped Canastero, and Neblina Tapaculo. After lunch back at the lodge, we'll do some easy birding along a dirt road near Leymebamba for more cloudforest species, with a chance for the likes of Golden-headed Quetzal, Rainbow Starfrontlet, White-collared Jay, Rufous-capped Antshrike, and more.

Day 15: Leymebamba to Celendín

A long but spectacular day as we traverse the Marañon Canyon along one of the most amazing roads in the world. We'll target anything we may have missed near the east rim, then head down into the desert scrub at the bottom, home to Marañon endemics like Yellow-faced Parrotlet, Peruvian Pigeon, and Buff-bridled Inca-Finch. Later we drive up over the western rim, stopping at stakeouts for two more endemics: Gray-winged Inca-Finch and Chestnut-backed Thornbill. We’ll spend a single night in a hotel in the small town of Celendín.

Day 16: Celendín to Cajamarca

This road passes through a mixture of farmland and montane scrub, yet can be surprisingly productive. Cajamarca Antpitta, Rufous-webbed Bush-Tyrant, Black-crested Tit-Tyrant, Rusty-crowned Tit-Spinetail, Tit-like Dacnis, Peruvian Sierra-Finch, Streak-throated Canastero, Rufous-eared Brushfinch, Shining Sunbeam, White-browed Chat-Tyrant, and Golden-billed Saltator are just some of the birds we’ll be trying to see along here. We’ll spend the last night of the tour in Cajamarca, the ancient city where the Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro defeated a force of 80,000 Inca warriors and captured their emperor Atahualpa with a band of only 200 well-armed soldiers. In the afternoon, we’ll search for Gray-bellied Comet at a well-known site not far from the city, where we should also find White-winged Cinclodes.


Day 17: Great Spinetail and Departure

In the morning, we drive east of Cajamarca into arid intermontane valleys to search for another rare endemic, the Great Spinetail. We should also find Spot-throated Hummingbird if we haven’t seen it yet as well as a few other species that might include White-winged Black Tyrant, Giant Hummingbird, and Black-lored Yellowthroat. If we find the spinetail quickly, we may be able to visit a highland lake to look for Puna Teal, Plumbeous Rail, and a few other species. We’ll check out of the hotel and have a long lunch to celebrate the end of a great tour, before heading to the airport and catching a flight to Lima, which should arrive in time to connect with some late evening international departures. Should you require an extra night in Lima, we would be happy to help arrange it.

Trip Considerations

PACE: Moderate to intense. This tour covers a lot of ground and tries to see as many birds as possible, with special focus on the regional endemics; we usually amass a great list. It’s important to be out early since birding is usually best in the morning, and start times range from 4:30am to 6:00am. Many breakfasts and lunches will be in the field, but we’ll have thermoses for hot beverages and portable tables and chairs. On three or four days of the trip there will be some downtime after lunch to relax, but most days will be quite full. On several days, we will stay out after dark to spotlight for birds; some participants choose to skip the occasional afternoon or nocturnal outing and just relax around the lodge. There are several long drives, the longest being about 5 hours. Almost all of the tour takes place in the Andes, and the roads are very windy. If you are susceptible to motion sickness, it is essential to bring anti-motion sickness medication such as Meclizine.


PHYSICAL DIFFICULTY: Generally moderate, but there are a few more difficult walks that may be considered optional. Most of the birding is done from flat or slightly inclined roads and trails, and you can expect to walk around 4 miles (6.4 km) on most days. At Waqanki and Abra Patricia, the trails are steep in places and sometimes slippery, so a walking stick helps. Trying to see the Long-whiskered Owlet requires a c. 3 mile (4.8 km) roundtrip walk at night on a moderately inclined trail; this is an optional hike and some participants skip it and relax at the lodge. On day 13, there may be a difficult hike on a steep and rocky trail that’s about 2 miles (3.2 km) roundtrip and lasts about 4 hours; some participants may choose to skip this and do some easy birding on their own near the vehicle. This hike is done at the tour leader’s discretion and is skipped on some tours due to weather or logistical reasons.


CLIMATE: Highly variable. A wide range of temperatures can be expected. Temperatures in the high elevations can get down to near freezing early in the morning, but then usually warm up to be quite pleasant (about 70°F/21°C) and usually sunny. In the lower elevations, temperatures usually vary from about 68°-90°F (20°-32°C). This tour takes place in the dry season, but it is not unusual to get some rain at Waqanki and Abra Patricia. 


ACCOMMODATION: Apart from the nights in Lima and Cajamarca, where we stay in 4* hotels, the accommodation is quite modest. Most nights are spent in simple but clean ecolodges, with a few nights in unexceptional hotels in towns. All have hot water and electricity. Note that electricity is quite limited at Chaparri Lodge (2 nights), but it is enough to light the rooms, and there is a charging station in the dining area, but there are no outlets in the rooms - keep that in mind especially if you travel with a CPAP or similar device. At Owlet Lodge, every two rooms share a bathroom. Depending on lodge occupancy, you may be able to have a private bathroom, but it is not guaranteed. Other hotels and lodges all have private bathrooms. Wi-fi is usually available everywhere except Huembo Lodge (cell service is available at Huembo), though it is usually very slow and often only available in public areas of the lodge/hotel.


PHOTOGRAPHY: This is a birding tour, but casual photographers will have good chances to photograph birds at feeders at several of the lodges. Bird photography inside the forest is much more challenging, and hardcore bird photographers will likely be frustrated by the rather fast pace of the tour. We’ll also make some short stops for scenery photos, especially in the spectacular Marañon Canyon.

Other Information

TRAVEL REQUIREMENTS: A valid passport is required; the passport must be valid for at least six months past your intended stay. Tourist visas are currently not required for citizens of the US, Canada, UK, EU, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Tourist visas are currently required mainly for citizens of countries in Africa (except South Africa), Asia, and the Middle East.Travel requirements are subject to change; please double check with the nearest embassy or consulate, or ask our office staff if you are unsure.


WHAT’S INCLUDED?: Tips to drivers, local guides, and lodge/restaurant staff; one way airfare between Lima and Chicalyo; one way airfare between Cajamarca and Lima; accommodation from the night of day 1 to the night of day 16; meals from breakfast on day 2 to lunch on day 17; safe drinking water and/or juice as well as tea and coffee during meals; safe drinking water only between meals (some lodges also provide complimentary tea/coffee between meals); Tropical Birding tour leader with scope and audio gear from the morning of day 2 to the afternoon of day 17; local guide at Chaparri Lodge; ground transport for the group in a suitable vehicle with driver from the morning of day 2 to the afternoon of day 17; entrance fees to the sites mentioned in the itinerary; a printed and bound checklist to keep track of your sightings (given to you at the start of the tour – only electronic copies can be provided in advance).


WHAT’S NOT INCLUDED?: Optional tips to the tour leader; tips for luggage porters in city hotels (if you require their services); international flights; excess luggage charges; snacks; additional drinks apart from those included; alcoholic beverages; travel insurance; excursions not included in the tour itinerary; extras in hotels such as laundry service, minibar, room service, telephone calls, and personal items; medical fees; other items or services not specifically mentioned as being included.

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